Serverless Computing

Innovate faster, Save on Costs and Reduce Risk

What are the best practices for Serverless Development?

Infrastructure As A Code

  • Create infrastructure as code with CloudFormation and CDK.
  • Simplify AWS CloudFormation for serverless using SAM and its local environment in SAM CLI.
  • Develop and deploy cloud-based mobile and web applications with ease using Amplify.
  • Automate Deployment

  • Implement CI/CD with serverless applications
  • Use AWS SAM and AWS CDK to simplify stack creation and pipeline creation, regardless of pipeline tool set
  • Use deployment hooks and traffic shifting to safely deploy your applications
  • AWS Well-Architected Framework

  • Apply AWS Well-Architected design principles, such as serverless design, event-driven architectures, and microservices, to create efficient and cost-effective applications that are scalable, reliable, and performant.
  • Enhance security by implementing best practices, such as least privilege access, encryption, monitoring, and auditing, for secure application code and access control over source code changes.
  • Optimize workload management by leveraging managed services for common platforms, such as databases, messaging, caching, and storage, which simplifies the management process and reduces operational overhead.
  • Why Cloud Solutions?

    Choose Cloud Solutions for our successful track record of providing valuable cloud solutions.

    Our Serverless Approach:
    • Experience our serverless approach, which is streamlined, fast, and efficient, allowing you to deliver maximum business value at minimal cost.
    • Prepare for potential failures by implementing best practices for monitoring, logging, and recovery, ensuring seamless operation and minimal downtime.
    • Optimize workload management, enhance security, and reduce operational overhead with our expertise.

    How does Serverless computing impact business economics?